Step 1 . Install Ubuntu Server 12.04 and use manual partition with following partition table ( In this case I have 250 GB HDD and RAM 4 GB)
Type | Size | Location | FileSystem | Mount |
Primary | 30 GB | Beginning | ext4 | / |
Primary | 500 MB | Beginning | ext4 | /boot |
Primary | 8192 MB | Beginning | swap | swap |
Logical | 25 GB | End | btrfs | /cache-1 |
Logical | 25 GB | End | btrfs | /cache-2 |
Logical | 25 GB | End | btrfs | /cache-3 |
Logical | 25 GB | End | btrfs | /cache-4 |
Logical | 25 GB | End | btrfs | /cache-5 |
Logical | 46 GB | End | ext4 | /home |
Logical | 5 GB | End | ext4 | /opt |
Logical | 5 GB | End | ext4 | /srv |
Logical | 5 GB | End | ext4 | /tmp |
Logical | 5 GB | End | ext4 | /usr |
Logical | 5 GB | End | ext4 | /usr/local |
Step 2. Make sure your ubuntu package repositories and installed programs are up to date.
sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -yStep 3. Install Lusca and other package
sudo apt-get install lusca squidclient squid-cgi cczeStep 4. Create lusca file configuration:
sudo /etc/lusca/squid.conf /etc/lusca/squid.conf.original
sudo touch /etc/lusca/squid.conf
sudo nano /etc/lusca/squid.conf
Use the following Lusca File Configuration
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