03 January 2012

Add Yahoo smileys/emoticons above Blogger comments form

With this simple hack, your blog readers are now able to use Yahoo smileys/emoticons when they comment on any of your blog posts. I am sure that your readers will really get excited and enjoy using these Yahoo! smileys. This hack will only work if you've enabled embedded comment form feature for your blog.

This is how it will look above comments form.

Follow these steps below to install this feature to your blog's template. Always remember to save a copy of your template before start editing your template. At Layout > Edit HTML page, click on the "Expand Widgets Template" and find for thses c+odes below using CTRL+F.

And you will now see a set of codes as shown below

Replace them with the codes shown in the box below.

Now move on with the next step. Find the tag </body>

and paste this script below before that tag.

And click save.

Although, the link in blue colour will work, due to the bandwidth problem I recommend you to upload the Javascript file to your own server. You can download the Smiley.js file here. Once you've uploaded the file, change the above url with your own link. 

sumber: http://introblogger.blogspot.com/2010/01/add-yahoo-smileysemoticons-above.html#more
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